CEN No. 08/2024 (Level-1)
CEN No. 07/2024 (Ministerial & Isolated categories)
CEN No. 06/2024 NTPC (Under Graduate)
CEN No. 05/2024 NTPC (Graduate) - Non Technical Popular categories
Centralized Employment Notification No. 04/2024 (Paramedical)
Centralized Employment Notification No. 03/2024 (JE, DMS, CMA, CS & MS)
Centralized Employment Notification No. RPF 01/2024 (Sub-Inspector)
Centralized Employment Notification No. RPF 01/2024 & CEN No. RPF 02/2024
Centralized Employment Notification CEN No. 02/2024
Centralized Employment Notification CEN No. 01/2024
Updates/Interim Results (Part-12) in Level-02 for (Cat.11)
For any notice / information regarding Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs), the candidates should visit websites of RRBs only and BEWARE of FAKE websites put up by unscrupulous elements/touts. Any information/ notices being circulated in the social media regarding RRBs may please be ignored..
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