• Railway Recruitment Board, South Lallaguda, Secunderabad - 500017.
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Centralized Employment Notification

Centralized Employment Notification CEN No. 01/2024 Detailed CEN 01-2024 English and Hindi

Date : 19/01/2024

Centralized Employment Notification CEN No. 02/2024(Technician Gr. I (Signal) & Technician Gr. III)- Detailed CEN English and Hindi

Date : 08/03/2024

Centralized Employment Notification CEN No. RPF 01/2024 (Sub-Inspector)- Detailed CEN English and Hindi

Date : 14/04/2024

Centralized Employment Notification CEN No. RPF 02/2024 (Constable)- Detailed CEN English and Hindi

Date : 14/04/2024

CEN 01/2024 (ALP) - Corrigendum No. 1 for Enhancement of notified vacancies for the post of Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP). English and Hindi

Date : 04/07/2024

Detailed Centralised Employment Notice No. 03/2024 for recruitment to the posts of Junior Engineer, Depot Material Superintendent, Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant, Chemical Supervisor (Research) and Metallurgical Supervisor (Research) English and Hindi

Date : 27/07/2024

Detailed Centralised Employment Notice No. 04/2024 for recruitment to the posts of Paramedical categories. English and Hindi

Date : 12/08/2024

CEN 05/2024 NTPC (Graduate) - Detailed Centralised Employment Notification for the posts of Non Technical Popular Categories (Graduate). English and Hindi

Date : 13/09/2024

CEN 06/2024 NTPC (Under Graduate) - Detailed Centralised Employment Notification for the posts of Non Technical Popular Categories (Under Graduate). English and Hindi

Date : 20/09/2024

CEN 02/2024 (Technician categories) - Corrigendum & Addendum No.2- Enhancement of Notified Vacancies for the post of Technician Gr. III English and Hindi

Date : 27/09/2024

Other Websites

  • https://indianrailways.gov.in/
  • https://www.ncs.gov.in/
  • https://employmentnews.gov.in/NewEmp/Home.aspx
  • https://rrcb.gov.in
  • https://rdso.indianrailways.gov.in/